Sunday, October 17, 2010

(Not Yet) Moving

So it looks like I'll be in Alabama for a little bit longer. How long? Don't know. But my lease is up and it goes month to month now, so I remain in limbo. I wouldn't really mind much, except it's making travel plans difficult. I'd like to go back to Seattle for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, but I don't want to buy plane tickets only to change them and get jacked $100+ for changing my point of origin. I would also like to buy a grotesquely large HDTV the size of a wall, among other amenities, but it's difficult to put them in a fully furnished apartment. In addition, I'd like to get a smart phone and join all the cool kids and their apps, but it helps to know what city has what kind of reception with whatever carrier (preferably Verizon, as I'd like to get a Droid).

It isn't all bad, though. I still get all the sweet temporary assignment perks, and things on this project are starting to get more serious as we're approaching some key deadlines. It means I might be a little more busy, and also get to see more of how things are supposed to shape up on an implementation. This is a well run project, and the more I can learn the better. It's also still warm here, which always makes me smile when I look at the forecasts for Seattle and Missoula. However, I'm kind of itching to get a place of my own built up. The entire time I was in college, I lived a relatively Spartan life (you know, excluding the trips to China and Australia. Yes, I know how much that makes me sound like an asshole). The only time I ever updated my wardrobe was when my mom or sister-in-law would give me new clothes while forcibly removing the old ones, making snide comments about them as often as possible. I only bought a couple posters as decoration, and didn't buy any chairs, couches, or TVs. Usually my money was spent on going out, nicer groceries, and kitchen supplies. I like food and cooking, and have no fashion or interior design sense, so I guess it was kind of a logical series of events.

Now that I have a steady income, I'm ready to put it to use and pimp out my abode. I find myself looking at the TVs and chairs and couches and wanting them with an increasing urge. Same with cooking gadgets, though I have been picking those up as needed. And I made a weekend trip to Atlanta last weekend, so my urge to get out and travel was sated for a little bit. (By the way, Atlanta is an awesome city. I highly recommend it. Between Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles and a burger called the Double Coronary from The Vortex, the city might kill you over time, but it's totally worth it). Still, if I'm ever going to win me my trophy wife or not lead a complete life of squalor it might help to have more than a bed, a big screen, and cardboard boxes.

I guess, more than anything, I want to do things. Work takes up a large chunk of time, and when I'm not consulting, I don't want to just sit around and veg while watching Jersey Shore. Getting all set up is something I've been thinking about ever since I got the job and I want to finally get around to doing it, to accomplish that personal goal. I've made it; I've accomplished all those scholastic and career goals I had in college, and buying my own stuff with my own money is tangible proof I can achieve what I set my mind to. I'm more than happy to stay as long as I'm needed, and am fine with the current situation here in Alabama. I'm not unhappy, but there are certain things I'd like to do but can't. I guess the moral of this story, on a Sunday dominated by football both real and fantasy, is that I want my goliath HDTV + TiVo already!!!


  1. My advice, start looking at what you really like. Look at displays, magazines and find out what you really like and what you really don't like. That way, when you are where you are going to be for awhile, you can go for it.

  2. Wait until after you're married to try and decorate your apartment--most of what you own will be "forcibly removed" anyway :)

    Here are some acceptable things to purchase that are cool and that most women won't try to get rid of:

    - A big-ass HDTV
    - An Eames chair
    - A dog (note: not a cat)
    - Black-and-white photography and/or vintage movie posters

    (I welcome additional suggestions from other commenters.)

    Also, I recommend purchasing small things that are nevertheless enjoyable: Cigars, high-end alcohol, knives and a shoeshine kit (shining your shoes is oddly therapeutic, kills time and often passes for actually "doing work").

    If you do choose to invest in furniture, I recommend looking on the vintage market. It's often cheaper, it looks cooler than the modern IKEA crap and if anyone tries to make you get rid of it, you can make up some B.S. story about it belonging to a relative and having sentimental value.

    Lastly, a Droid? Verizon is getting the Jesus Phone (iPhone 4) in January. Test out Nikki's when you come home and you won't want anything else, I promise.

    P.S.- How is <ul> not an acceptable HTML tag on Blogger? I spent all this time making an unordered list and it just told me my HTML is no good here.

  3. I'll keep some of those in mind. As far as furniture is concerned, I'm not really into any of the Ikea stuff, but an extremely large couch and/or recliner is a must. Damon has a couch at his place that's so large I can actually stretch out and sleep on it comfortably; something like that would be ideal.

    For phones, we'll see. One of the main selling points of the Droid for me is the ability to run Flash. I know crazy uncle Steve says that Flash is dead and HTML5 is the way of the future, but that hasn't happened yet and isn't likely to any time soon. All the people I know with Droids are equally happy with their choice as iPhone owners are, and I get the sense they're on the up and up more than Apple. I'd be willing to give Nikki's "Jesus phone" a whirl, if it's that impressive. I'm still open to either one.
