Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No rest for the weary

Once again, I've dropped the ball on updates. It's been pretty busy for me and there hasn't been a good time to sit down and write. I almost mixed up your/you're today, it's been that hectic. And it might continue for a few weeks, as things at work will continue to pile on (and I'm assured they will). So if there are more delays, sorry. I'll at least try and throw something up. Some quick hits before I need to cook dinner and catch up on sleep...

- I went on a recruiting trip to Missoula this past week that went pretty well. I had a lot of fun being on the other side of the employment game, as well as catching up with friends and old professors. I plan on writing more about this soon.

- There might be some news in the near future of where/when I might be moving. I only say this because the lease on my apartment is up on the 15th, and I would imagine I'd be told if I was staying longer or should be prepared to pack up and ship out. There's an outside chance they could tell me to live out of my car indefinitely, but I'd like to think otherwise.

- Fantasy football is off to a bumpy start, thanks to me benching Arian Foster and LeSean McCoy at the worst possible weeks. I also can't get a defense that will net me positive points. I hope this isn't a season long trend.

- I'm in a rut as far as cooking is concerned. I just haven't been able to find a whole lot of new recipes that have piqued my interest. I might start dabbling in some more seafood on occasion (tuna steaks and maybe an occasional swordfish), but other than that it's chef's block for me. Any ideas?

Getting hungry now. Hope to have that Missoula roundup online by the end of this weekend, so stay tuned.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Good Times

It seems like most of my posts have been about the more negative side of things. While there certainly are downsides and trials associated with a new job and life, they haven't dominated my life like it might seem. Quite the opposite: I actually really enjoy what I'm doing. It doesn't make for very interesting writing, however, talking about configuring documents for online taxes, or that I just passed 5,000 hours of sleep wearing my CPAP. Confidentiality agreements also prevent me from elaborating on some of the fun, and I'd prefer to keep my job over blabbing stuff I shouldn't to the blagosphere. That kind of limits my options, and since tragedy usually makes for good writing, the temptation to stray towards that area and stay there can be all too easy.

What I do is challenging work, to be sure, but I enjoy doing it. I can sit at my desk and do my work for hours without feeling the need to visit ESPN or Fail Blog, and even though I'd prefer to go home at 5:00, I don't mind staying for an extra half hour or more to get the task I'm working on completed. All things told, I couldn't ask for much more from a job, especially coming out of college in a down economy. I get to work on puzzles for 8+ hours a day with a lot of other young, like-minded individuals, experience new places, and finally apply what I've been spending over 20 years learning. And it's about damn time. The last year of college, while fun, was extremely frustrating because I really wanted to get out and do something, instead of sit in a classroom, act like a sponge, and waste money on cheap food and drink specials. That's probably been the most rewarding part for me so far: realizing my independence. While I had tons of help getting to where I am today, what I do from here on out is pretty much a product of me and my work. And my work is pretty awesome. What I'm doing is actually of benefit to society, and useful for (literally) millions of other people. Instead of being a leech on others in the hope I'll turn out well, I'm finally giving back, making something of myself, and standing on my own. It might not be as noble as working to end human trafficking, but putting something of use out there for others is a great feeling.

Again, adjusting to a new life has been hard, but not first-couple-years-of-Shawshank-for-Andy hard. Most of my frustrations stem from the fact that for most of my life, I've been one of the brighter people in all my groups, classes, and endeavors. There haven't been many challenges I haven't been able to overcome, even if it did take decades (who's laughing now, loop-swoop-and-pull?!) Now, I'm working with all the other people who are just like me, learning an entirely new, complex body of knowledge that will take me longer to master than anything else I've ever learned. There will be a little frustration when I'm still taking baby steps to catch up with people who are light years ahead. Overall, though, I'd much rather be here than working as a code monkey of some kind. Even if it doesn't seem that way, I'm happy with where I am. Don't let the growing pains fool you.